Bimco – BIMCO is an independent international shipping association founded in 1905, with a membership composed of ship owners, managers, brokers, agents and many others..
World Ports – Световни приастанища база данни , sea transportation, marine and ports market place, sea distances and routes.
Marine Distance – Морски дестинации Sea Distances – Voyage Calculator (nautical miles), Ports, Time zone, Distance, Route via, Speed, Days, Costs, Arrival, Departure…
Shipping Explorer – Shipping Explorer provides live vessel tracking based on AIS with real time data, positions, information, photos, pictures, traffic, statistics and a …
Word Time Chart – Карта часови пояси / Time zones…
Currency Converter – Международни мерни единици / International unit converter table
Country 2 digit codes – UN кодове държави / The following country codes are for use when completing Customs