Black Sea ro-ro operations adapt to the new normal as companies seek opportunities


Black Sea ro-ro operations adapt to the new normal as companies seek opportunities

War in Ukraine has forced the re-routing of cargo out of the country, creating rapidly changing freight paths and new facilities, as companies see opportunities arise from the conflict.

A considerable part of regional Black Sea trade between Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia was carried out via ro-ro shipping, which transported rail wagons as well as trucks and various other vehicles, according to Ukrainian transport consultancy Informall BG.

While Black Sea regional trade has seen ferry services come to a virtual standstill since Russia’s invasion, Informall’s analytical bureau has produced a study of the Black Sea ro-ro market, looking at how the region is now adapting.

“Our research shows that around 38,000 trucks and trailers, over 3,200 rail wagons and at least 45,000 commercial- and personal use vehicles were moved to-and-from Ukraine during 2021 alone,” said Daniil Melnychenko, data analyst.

Two ferry operators carried much of this cargo, UkrFerry and Cenk Roro group, based in Turkey, both main regional operators before the war.

Turkish-owned Cenk Roro had two of its five vessels detained, following the ro-ro terminal closure in the port of Chornomorsk, just south of Odessa, which saw Cenk Car and Cenk M, a multipurpose ship, both held in the port.

According to information from Informall Cenk Roro found a loophole in the Grain Deal that has allowed one of its ships, Cenk Car to load grain in bags and leave the port of Chornomorsk. Cenk M remains moored in the port of Chornomorsk.

Its remaining three vessels are in operation between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

UkrFerry, which had two ferries in Chornomorskhas also benefitted from the Grain Deal, with its ferry, Greifwald, also loading grain and was allowed to sail yesterday.


Source:  LOADSTAR , Credits Informall BG